Welcome To My Website!

Author: Mason Scarbro

About Me:

My name is Mason Scarbro and I am an aspiring computer science major I am currently a 3rd year junior attending UNC Charlotte.I got into coding because I wanted to make video games but I quickly fell in love with writing Web apps, Mods, AI/DataManip and more programs, So I decided to switch my major from business to cs (2021)! Ever since Ive been doing a ton of coding; but some other hobbies and fascinations I have are Math, and Storywriting!


  • Proggraming Languages: C#/C++, Java, JavaScript, Python Html, CSS
  • Tools: Git, Linux (CL), Django, TensorFlow
  • Teamwork
  • Eager to learn
  • Problem Solving

How I got them:

C# I learned from using the unity engine and making mods. I learned C++ and Java from CSC 134/151. I learned the Web develpment trinity from the Odin Project and making this website. I learned Teamwork and Django from making sites with teams during hackathons, Even when we failed to win I typically kept working on the websites which drastically improved my Django skills. Some hackathons include DualHacks, STEMist Hacks and HackBytes II. With that came python of course, Although I originally learned python from messing around with kaggle and Tensorflow.



CodeRPG-Bot Is a Discord Bot that adds RPG elements to discord like leveling and classes to discord to make helping more fun

The Odin Project:


The Odin Project is a Web Development course where I completed a number of Projects such as TicaTacToe, Rockpaper Scissors, Weather app, Calculator and an etch a sketch website

Mod For World Box:


I developed a mod for a game called worldbox, Its one of my favorite projects and I learned alot about OOP, 2D Art, and bug/feedback management. The Mod ended up amassing a small of following of 5,000 users! And was built with 1,200 lines of code.

Professional Links: